Campaign Slogans

If you are running for student government, you probably realize you need a slogan. A good slogan can get people’s attention, impart your message and represent your political campaign. But what makes a slogan good? To be really effective, a political slogan should have all of the following qualities.

- It should be short and to the point

- It should be effective when written or spoken

- It should use simple, understandable language

- It should be memorable

Often, good slogans play on the name of the candidate. Rhyming slogans tend to be very memorable as well. For example, one of the most repeated presidential campaign slogans was “I like Ike.” An effective slogan should also attempt to capture the spirit and personality of the candidate.

These fun and catchy slogans will add spice to your campaign for student government. Try the ideas here or use them as a starting point and create your own variations.

For success, choose the best. Vote [Name].

[Name] stands for Excellence.

Choose [Name], Get Action.

Making the world better since [birth year]. [Name]

Got [Name]?

Improve your school: pick [Name] for [position]

Get fresh ideas from a freshman: [Name].

Let me serve you. Vote [Name].

Everyone says, [Name] for Prez.

[Name]. Born to lead.

Vote for fresh blood on student council: Vote [Name].

Show me the money! [Name] for treasurer.

You can count on [Name].

Make your vote for treasurer count. Vote for [Name].

Count on someone who can count. [Name] for treasurer.

Vote [Name] for Change.

Gotta Lotta Student Council. Get [Name].

A vote works wonders. Vote for [Name].

The right government at the right time.

Thank [Name] it’s Friday.

[Name] for reform. [Name] for action.

Get energy. Get [Name].

[Name] – the coolest action.

Action born and bred.

Quality in government.

Solutions for student council.

A student for solutions.

Give this school a change.

Change your underwear, change your school.

Pardon me, can you spare a vote?

The president kids go for.

Make someone happy. Vote [Name].

I give good government.

You always have time for government.

Make it better!

Did you vote?

Vote better – Vote [Name]!

World’s best student body president.

Straight talk from [Name].

Catalyst for change.

It’s up to you!

Vote for a change.

Choose a leader for a change.

We can do it!

Two, four, six, eight! Vote for [Name], don’t be late.

A vote for [Name] is a vote for you!

I’m not your father’s president.

We want you! Vote for [Name].

Improve your school with [Name].

Just do it. Vote for [Name}.

[Name] does a student body good.

Choose [Name] for change.

A vote for [Name] is a vote for the better.

No nonsense with [Name].

Because life is too short to have bad student government.

[Name]: Because you’re worth it.

[Name]: He’s great!

Always [Name].

Open your mind. Improve your school.

Don’t rock the boat. Vote for incumbent [Name].

He’s not popular and he’s not handsome, so he has time for student government: [Name].

You’ve never had it this good!

Students unite.