Zaxby Challenge Scoring


Game Title and Theme (10 points)

The theme is easy to see starting with the opening splash page: Game Title and Author.  Includes instructions slide.

Title Slide with Game Name - __/ 5

Your name appears at the beginning as the creator- __/ 2

Project instructions/theme - clearly visible- __/ 3

TOTAL __/ 10

Creativity (20 points)

How creative is the animation or game?  Does it include several sounds or just background music?  Does the artwork seem well designed (good color combinations, attractive)?  How engaging is it?  Do you want to watch it again?  Do you want to show it to others? 

Design __/1 below average visually, __/3 average art/colors/ __/5 great artwork and image

Good use of sound? __/1 one sound, __/5pts = background music?)

Sprites __/1 (modified Scratch sprites or imported pictures)  __/5 pts = (created your own sprite(s))

How easy and quick was it to get started?

__/1 (I had to work hard to get it going)

__/2 pts =(I had to read the instructions twice)

__/5 pts =(Everything was super clear)

TOTAL __/ 20

Originality (10 points)

Is it a completely original, not simply a copied idea taken from another game?

TOTAL __/ 10 (0 for none, 5 for average, 10 outstanding)

Technical Merit (30 points)

The technical difficulty of this entry. 

Uses broadcast and receive __/3 -5 pts.

Has a song playing during the game __/1 -5  pts.

Has a "level up" or "getting harder" component  __/1 - 5 pts.

Uses at least one variable or timer __/1 - 5 pts.

Number of scripts __/1 (for 1-5) __/2 (for 6-10) __/3 (for 11+)

Number of sprites __/1 (for 1-5) __/2 (for 6-10)__/3 (for 11+)

Changes the background __/1 (for 0-3 changes) __/2 (4+ changes)

TOTAL _/15

Engagement (10 points)

I want to play this again and again.

I want to play this 2 times __/ 1-2

I want to play this 4 times __/ 3-5

I want to play this 8 times __/ 6-10

TOTAL __/ 10

 Total for each entry___________________________ out of 100